Native Plants for Every Landscape | Mulhall's
August 2 // Garden

Native Plants for Every Landscape

If you haven’t worked with many native plants, choosing the right ones for your life and landscape may seem a bit challenging. Like all our favorite landscape plants, native plants feature an array of forms and functions. There are species and varieties that thrive in a myriad of different soil types, sun and moisture levels, height requirements, shape preferences, and the local wildlife they attract and support.

Whatever goals you have for your outdoor spaces, there is a native plant waiting to fill that role and help you create the perfect landscape for your style, preferences, and needs. Here we share a list of our favorite native plants for all types of situations within your landscape.

For Blooms in Every Season

Zizia aurea – Golden Alexander (spring blooms)

Polemonium reptans – Jacob’s Ladder (spring blooms)

Geum triflorum – Prairie Smoke (spring blooms)

Agastache foeniculum – Anise Hyssop (summer blooms)

Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly Milkweed (summer blooms)

Ruellia humilis – Wild Petunia (summer blooms)

Symphyotrichum oblonifolium – Aromatic Aster (fall blooms)

Salvia azurea – Pitcher Sage (fall blooms)

Oligoneuron rigidum – Stiff Goldenrod (fall blooms)


For Pollinators

Echinacea purpurea – Purple Coneflower

Agastache foeniculum – Anise Hyssop

Liatris ligulistylis – Meadow Blazing Star

Monarda fistulosa – Wild Bergamot

Physostegia virginiana – Obedient Plant



For Butterflies + their Caterpillars

Asclepias species (Monarchs) – Milkweeds

Symphyotrichum species (last generation of Monarchs) – Asters

Callirhoe involucrata (Skipper species) – Purple Poppy Mallow

Zizia aurea (Black Swallowtails) – Golden Alexanders

Echinacea purpurea (Painted Ladies) – Purple Coneflower



For Monarch Butterflies Especially

Symphyotrichum species (adult) – Asters

Liatris ligulistylis (adult) – Meadow Blazing Star

Solidago species (adult) – Goldenrods

Asclepias verticillata (larvae) – Whorled Milkweed

Asclepias incarnata (larvae) – Swamp Milkweed


For the Shade Garden

Anemone virginiana – Tall Thimbleweed

Polemonium reptans – Jacob’s Ladder

Hydrophyllum virginianum – Virginia Waterleaf

Viola sororia – Common Blue Violet

Symphyotrichum cordifolium – Heart-leaved Aster


For the Birds

Echinacea pallida – Pale Purple Coneflower

Aronia melanocarpa – Black Chokecherry

Silphium laciniatum – Compass Plant

Echinacea purpurea – Purple Coneflower

Baptisia alba – White Wild Indigo


For the Hummingbirds

Lobelia cardinalis – Cardinal Flower

Silene regia – Royal Catchfly

Lobelia siphilitica – Great Blue Lobelia

Salvia azurea – Pitcher Sage

Penstemon grandifloras – Large-flowered Beardtongue


For Fall Color

Amsonia hubrichtii – Thread-leaf Bluestar

Schizachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem

Eragrostis spectabilis – Purple Love Grass

Zizia aurea – Golden Alexanders

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium – Aromatic Aster


For Your Park Strip

Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly Milkweed

Amorpha canescens – Lead Plant

Allium cernuum – Nodding Onion

Schizachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem

Salvia azurea – Pitcher Sage


For Groundcovers

Callirhoe involucrate – Purple Poppy Mallow

Viola sororia – Common Blue Violet

Phlox divaricate – Woodland Phlox

Polemonium reptans – Jacob’s Ladder

Campanula rotundifolia – Harebell


We love to grow and share plants that are not only beautiful but also build a more sustainable and healthy community. And when those plants bring joy and measurable benefit to your world too, that’s even better. Come see us in the Nursery Yard and let us help you find the native plants that are perfect additions to every spot in your landscape.