Celebrating Everything About Fall | Mulhall's
September 11 // Happenings

Celebrating Everything About Fall

Last Saturday couldn’t have been a more beautiful day to celebrate the start of a new season at our Harvest Party! Last week’s rain clouds were forgotten at this fun get-together devoted to sharing the warm sunshine, great music, delicious food – and of course, pie – with our community of plant friends. We’d like to thank all of you who joined us, and congratulate again the winners of our pie contest.

A Store Full of Activity

Throughout the day, a friendly energy permeated every corner of our store. You could say there was a buzz in the air. But that sound actually was coming from the Omaha Bee Club’s observation hive. Did you see the queen? We saw several kids trying their best to spot her among all those drones in the hive. Local band Daniel and the Deliverance kept everyone’s heads and toes bobbing with their bluegrass-inspired takes on some of our favorite hit songs. And the folks from Rally Coffee Co. and Big Mama’s Kitchen were busy serving up their specialties for lunch. At the Plant ID booth, so many of you discovered how much you know about plants – then found out how much there is to learn about the intricate flavors in honey at the Honey-Tasting booth. And of course, to complete the Harvest Day experience, we hope you took a ride on our hayrack led by Nursery Yard team member and plant comedian Jason Spring – and our equally personable ’48 Ford tractor with its somewhat sensitive clutch and cheerful “ooga”-style horn.

A Pie-Minded Community

Normally, we call ourselves a “plant-minded community,” but let’s be honest – a big part of the Harvest Party is really about pie. Lots of creamy, fruity, flaky, chocolatey pie. A big thank you to everyone who brought in their delicious pies for our contest. This year, there was an amazing 19 entries. Our distinguished panel of judges included a professional cook, an aspiring pastry chef, and a certified grandpa – all highly qualified to weigh the relative merits of pie. In the end, the winning entry belonged to Jessica Bedrosky with her delightful Grapefruit Merengue pie. Second place went to Margaret Cimino for her delicious and visually stunning Blooming Berry pie, followed by the very tasty Scratch’s Pecan Pie crafted by LaRel Jacobs. We hope these talented bakers enjoy shopping for new plants with their gift cards as much as we enjoyed sampling their pies.

Thank You for Joining Us!

Thank you again for sharing time with us and helping make it such a fun day. We look forward to our Harvest Party every year – and no, not just because of the pie.